Three Reasons Why Customers Aren’t Opening Your Emails

As a marketer, email is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. Today’s tools make it easy to deliver content to thousands of users at once. When measuring email success, the email open rate is a critical metric. In the end, if the customer doesn’t open the email, they won’t see the creative content you created. Find out why customers aren’t opening your emails and learn how to fix the problem.

Poor Data Quality

Contact data issues are the primary cause of deliverability problems. A small typo can result in an invalid email address. An invalid email address makes it impossible to reach the contact. You can resolve this issue by reviewing your contact data for obvious typos and errors. Alternatively, your business’s customer-facing staff can conduct outreach to obtain the correct data. Implementing a customer relationship management (CRM) tool in the future will keep all data organized and current.

Deliverability Issues

You might have been expecting an email that didn’t arrive. When you go searching, you find it in the spam folder. Internet service providers use complex algorithms to determine whether an email goes to an inbox or spam folder. Because of this, it’s important that your business establishes itself as a reputable sender.

To improve email deliverability, you can take a number of steps. First, check that your sender name and email address match your business name. Next, verify that you are sending to valid recipients. By sending to valid contacts, you are letting internet service providers know that your data is clean and you are not sending spam.

Boring Content

Every day, businesses receive a flood of new emails in their inboxes. With so much competition, it’s vital to create content that stands out. Creating personalized content is an excellent way to engage your readers. You can, for instance, include the individual’s first name in the subject line.

A recipient who feels connected to your brand is more likely to open your email. It is then important for the rest of the content to capture the reader’s attention. This will hopefully lead to the reader being interested and taking action.


When a portion of your audience isn’t opening your emails, it can be disheartening. Having a perfect email open rate is rare, but taking the steps above can improve your results. Affordable and secure email newsletter software will help you contact your customers.